Dagger Environment Variables Reference
Dagger supports a variety of environment variables.
They have two purposes:
- Extend Dagger capabilities
- Persist CLI options
Extend Dagger capabilities
Dagger aims to fit any use case, even the most specific ones. To avoid burdening the user experience with rarely used options, a small list of environment variables can be set:
Environment variable | Source | Description |
BUILDKIT_HOST | custom buildkit | Link Dagger to custom Buildkit instance |
DOCKER_HOST | custom buildkit w/Docker | Link Dagger to custom Buildkit instance running in Docker |
OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT | opentelemetry | Opentelemetry Jaeger endpoint |
JAEGER_TRACE | opentelemetry | Jaeger UI endpoint |
DOCKERHUB_AUTH_USER | image.cue | Docker.#Pull repository login |
DOCKERHUB_AUTH_PASSWORD | image.cue | Docker.#Pull repository password |
Persist CLI options
As Dagger relies on Viper to manage the CLI inputs, all its option can be replaced with environment variables:
dagger version
option | Usage | Description |
--check | export DAGGER_CHECK=1 | check if dagger is up to date |
dagger project
option | Usage | Description |
--name | export DAGGER_NAME=string | project name |
--template | export DAGGER_TEMPLATE=string | Template name [hello] |
option | Usage | Description |
--private-key-file | export DAGGER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=string | Private ssh key |
--private-key-password | export DAGGER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD=string | Private ssh key password |
--update | export DAGGER_UPDATE=1 | Update to latest version of specified packages |
option | Usage | Description |
--plan | export DAGGER_PLAN=string | Path to plan (defaults to current directory) (default ".") |
dagger do
option | Usage | Description |
--cache-from | export DAGGER_CACHE_FROM=string | External cache sources (eg. user/app:cache, type=local,src=path/to/dir) |
--cache-to | export DAGGER_CACHE_TO=string | Cache destinations (eg. user/app:cache, type=local,dest=path/to/dir) |
--dry-run | export DAGGER_DRY_RUN=1 | Dry run mode |
--no-cache | export DAGGER_NO_CACHE=1 | Disable caching |
--output | export DAGGER_OUTPUT=string | File path to write the action's output values. Prints to stdout if empty |
--output-format | export DAGGER_OUTPUT_FORMAT=string | Format for output values (plain, json, yaml) |
--plan | export DAGGER_PLAN=string | Path to plan (defaults to current directory) (default ".") |
--platform | export DAGGER_PLATFORM=string | Set target build platform (requires experimental) |
--with | export DAGGER_WITH=string | Set value of dagger value at runtime |