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Run Dagger on OpenShift with GitLab Runners


This guide outlines how to set up a Continuous Integration (CI) environment with the Dagger Engine on OpenShift in combination with GitLab Runners. The architecture consists of:

  • A Dagger Engine DaemonSet which executes the pipelines;
  • A GitLab Runner which manages the execution of GitLab CI jobs. For each job, a new Runner worker pod is spawned.
  • Tainted nodes for dedicated workload

Base architecture


This guide assumes that you have:

Step 1: Install the Dagger Engine

Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a values.yaml file to configure the Dagger Helm deployment. This includes a set of labels for the pod affinity and the taints and tolerations for the nodes.

    nameOverride: ""
    fullnameOverride: ""

    tag: v0.9.7
    - effect: NoSchedule
    key: builder-node
    operator: Exists
    - matchExpressions:
    - key: builder-node
    operator: Exists

    This configuration uses the label builder-node=true to taint the nodes on which the Dagger Engine should be deployed.

  2. Execute the following command for each node that is intended to host a Dagger Engine (replace the NODE-NAME placeholder with each node name):

    oc adm taint nodes NODE-NAME builder-node=true:NoSchedule
  3. Install the Dagger Engine using the Dagger Helm chart:

    helm upgrade --create-namespace --install --namespace dagger dagger oci:// -f values.yaml
  4. Grant the necessary permissions for the default service account in the dagger namespace:


    Without this step, pod creation will fail due to insufficient permissions to execute privileged containers with fixed user IDs and host path volume mounts.

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n dagger

Step 2: Configure GitLab Runner

The next step is to configure a GitLab Runner. Follow these steps:

  1. Follow the process to obtain a runner authentication token. Note that it is not necessary to register the runner from the command line during this process.

  2. Create the configuration for the GitLab Runner as runner-config.yaml and runner.yaml. Replace the YOUR-GITLAB-URL placeholder with the URL of your GitLab instance and replace the YOUR-GITLAB-RUNNER-TOKEN-REFERENCE placeholder with the token obtained above.

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
    name: dagger-custom-config-toml
    config.toml: |
    concurrent = 10
    environment = ["HOME=/tmp","FF_GITLAB_REGISTRY_HELPER_IMAGE=1"]
    name = "OpenShift Prod Runner Dagger"
    executor = "kubernetes"
    namespace = "dagger"
    pull_policy = "always"
    privileged = true
    key = "builder-node"
    operator = "In"
    values = ["true"]
    "builder-node" = ""
    run_as_non_root = false
    run_as_user = 0
    run_as_group = 1001
    fs_group = 1001
    name = "dagger"
    mount_path = "/var/run/dagger"
    host_path = "/var/run/dagger"
    kind: Runner
    name: dagger-runner
    namespace: dagger
    config: dagger-custom-config-toml
    gitlabUrl: YOUR-GITLAB-URL
    tags: dagger
    runUntagged: false

    This configuration uses a similar configuration as that seen in Step 1 for the taints and tolerations and the pod affinity. This ensures that the GitLab Runner worker pods only run on nodes with Dagger Engines.

  3. Apply the configuration and deploy the GitLab Runner:

    oc apply -f runner-config.yaml -n dagger
    oc apply -f runner.yaml -n dagger

Step 3: Create a GitLab CI/CD pipeline

  1. For Dagger Cloud users only, add a new CI/CD variable in GitLab with the name DAGGER_CLOUD_TOKEN and set its value to the Dagger Cloud token. This variable will be automatically injected into the GitLab job.

  2. Create a new GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration file in your repository at .gitlab-ci.yml with the following content:

    - build

    image: golang:1.20
    - dagger
    "_EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_RUNNER_HOST": "unix:///var/run/dagger/buildkitd.sock"
    - cd /tmp
    - curl -sfL | DAGGER_VERSION=0.9.7 BIN_DIR=/tmp sh #Dagger version must match version in values.yaml
    - export PATH=$PATH:/tmp/
    extends: [.dagger]
    - dagger version

    The most important sections of this configuration are:

    • The tags entry, which tells GitLab to use the GitLab Runner which is connected to the Dagger Engine;
    • The _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_RUNNER_HOST variable, which specifies the socket for the Dagger CLI to use.

Step 4: Run a GitLab CI job

At this point, the deployment is configured and ready for use. Test it by committing a new change to the source code repository, which should trigger the GitLab CI pipeline. Your CI pipelines should now be connected to your Dagger Engines. You can review the job logs either in the GitLab UI under Build->Jobs or within Dagger Cloud.


Use the following resources to learn more about the topics discussed in this guide: